A New School Year and A Fresh Start: Convocation 2022


Convocation is a moment for us to gather as a community at the start of the year, 欢迎我们的新同学, 教师, 和工作人员, and reaffirm the values we stand for and strive to live by. 9月16日, 韦德娱乐app下载地址 welcomed more than 90 new students to our corner of Phillips Mill and School Lane. This year, Cari Nelson P’24 was chosen to be the 教师 speaker. 卡里鼓励社区做自己, and choose how they would use the fresh start to make the most of the new school year.

I’m excited to talk to you for a few minutes today during our opening convocation. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Cari. I am the head of the science department, and I am starting my 16th year at Solebury. You can find me in abbe 8 most of the time or in the abbe garden.

I have to tell you that I love the start of a new school year. I didn’t always work in schools and get to start fresh in 9月. It is such a relief that no matter what happens during the year, 它将在六月结束, 秋天你就可以重新开始了!

作为老师, I start thinking about the new term in June and what I can improve on, 做好更多准备, 或者改变我在课堂上给出的例子. I have the ability to make changes and get closer to that ideal classroom. 这很令人兴奋! You as students also have that same fresh start at the beginning of the school year.

Here at Solebury, we encour年龄 our students to try new things and academically challenge themselves. What a wonderful gift you have that in high school you can hit the refresh key. 

You can make the choice of how your year is going to go. The adults on campus can support you in multiple ways, but ultimately it is up to you what you do with this new start to the school year.

也许 last year was a really good year for you—great! 现在,你能做些什么让它变得更好呢?

But, maybe last year was a bit rough, and you never got into a “school rhythm.“现在你有机会纠正错误. 也许, you are new to our community and you’re trying to figure out what kind of student you want to be.

在今天的社区日好好享受吧, but also take some time today and make a conscious decision about how your year is going to go. 

当你看着班上的其他学生, or on your sports teams and they “have it together,“这并非偶然! 他们想过自己要去哪里, 他们将如何克服障碍, and what they want to get out of school here at Solebury. 

所以,今天花点时间做个计划吧. 今年你怎样才能成为最好的自己? I hope that everyone has a wonderful school year and you continue to work towards being your best self!

毕业典礼结束后, 学生们享受房屋竞赛, 游戏, 由食堂工作人员举办的烧烤, 还有冰淇淋车上的零食. 欣赏下面一天的照片.